Thursday, December 20, 2012

God Signs

On a Tuesday in May, I received an email from Piper's Russian teacher.

Now, this will take some explaining. Piper spent her first four years in Ukraine, where she spoke only Russian.  Within three months of arriving in the United States, she was speaking mostly English, understanding almost everything and using just a few Russian words tossed in here and there.

When she was 12, she wanted to relearn Russian. Now, for kids who have replaced their first language, it's not a matter of just being exposed to that original language. She needed to relearn from the beginning, and Irina was her teacher. Irina and her husband are from Russia, and it was fascinating to learn about the culture as well as the language.   I took copious notes during Piper's lessons, and in fact, when she ceased being the student, I took over. I love learning new languages.  (I rarely remember enough to think in them, but I can often read them. And by "them," I mean French and Russian, with maybe 2 Welsh words thrown in. Someday.)

Eventually, time became an issue, and the Russian lessons with Irina stopped. 

Then, nearly three years later, I received an email from her! She told me about some new books she'd published, on Russian grammar and vocabulary, and a beginning Russian reader!

This was the day after we contacted the adoption agency about adopting a little girl from Russia. A little girl who would speak only Russian.  A little girl to read to when we visited.  Wow.

A God sign.

Irina was thrilled and said I was a brave and kind woman. I was just in awe at the timing of her message.

And, of course, I got the books.  ;) 

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