Thursday, December 20, 2012

Nearly Six Months Later...

**I wrote this on November 18 for my personal blog, but I decided to keep that one private, so I'm copying it here.**

 June 8...  If you've tried to read my blog and can't, don't take it personally. No one can!
I'm not writing right now... got a lot going on. But if you miss me, let me know! :)   

That was my status on Facebook almost six months ago.  There was a lot going on... both with our family and the Adoption Process, and with stress in the adoption world in general.  I intended to begin writing again eventually,  with a limited audience... but time went on. And on! And now I have so much to say! :) How do I begin recapping a half a year that was eventful yet quieter than expected, that brought new highs and new lows to my emotions, that has moved along so rapidly- but there's still so much time to go?

A post at a time, I guess! A post at a time!

And here's the first one.

I'm back.

Our newest treasure isn't home yet- in fact we haven't even met her.

I have no idea what trimester this "paper pregnancy" is in... it feels like an elephant's gestation.

Excited, elated, confused, frustrated... all describe my mood at some point in those six months.

I've learned some Russian.

I've forgotten some Russian.

I've planned ninth grade lessons and wondered when I'd be planning first grade again.

I've tried to keep busy, and I've tried to relax.

But I haven't written very much, and I miss it.

So... I'm back!

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