Tuesday, October 2, 2012


At the bottom of the page, you'll see our daughters... and our future son-in-law... complete with aliases.

I had fun choosing their names. My initial plan was to go with airplanes.  My husband is a huge airplane aficionado, and I'm a fan of the historic craft. One of our first dates was a visit to three classic Warbirds, and part of our honeymoon was spent at an air show. 

It was easy to nickname Piper, after the Piper Cub. A cute and perky sounding name, and what's more, she likes it.

Then it got harder.  My husband's favorite plane is the Texan. And "Tex" does not fit him. Nor do the other names for that plane... I gave up on airplanes. I'm still not sure what I'll call him.

Oldest daughter and fiance are huge into swing dancing -planning a swing dance wedding, in fact- so I chose Jitterbug for her, and Charleston for him. 

So we're going for a late '30s/early '40s thing.

Piper is 15 now. She's a freshman in high school, loves children, and would like to be  a nanny someday. In the meanwhile, she's going to make an awesome big sister.

Jitterbug just turned 23, and she's a busy bug.  She works full-time at a library and is attending college full-time as well, to complete her undergrad degree this spring.  She and Charleston have been together for 3 1/2 years, and got engaged in August.  We're excited about adding our first son* to the family in the coming year, as well as another daughter.

*First son with two legs, that is... Teddy is our four-legged baby, and he's been around for awhile. He's also indirectly responsible for this journey -or one of the many facets we see as we look back down the road.

The Next Treasure

 So, after a year-plus of blogging about orphans, it’s our turn to start our very own Adoption Blog!

A little background… we are the parents of two beautiful daughters- our youngest came home from Ukraine in 2001, when she was 4 years old.  For about ten years, I gave adoption just a passing thought, and then I started to feel nostalgic.  Not too long after the nostalgia, the desire to adopt again hit me! My husband didn't think we were meant to do it again, so I prayed and waited and advocated and, occasionally, dreamed.

Fast-forward a year. Just before Mother’s Day, I was powerfully hit by the desire to adopt… it seemed so real and exciting. I actually felt tingly. I didn't get a chance to talk to husband that night, but when I did, with a casual “although I know you're not interested kind of remark", he said, “Oh, I wouldn't be so sure of that.”

Turns out, he, too, was feeling the call, seeing the signs; however you word it, it was real and it was powerful for him, too.

So, mid-May we began this journey. We’re going to Russia this time.  

Welcome! We’re honored to have you share in it.